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SBS 2003 SP1 is out and so is our Issue List

Kenneth Spiteri

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Kenneth is an Exchange Administrator who loves to share anything he finds interesting with the rest of the community. He also helps with the administration of the site.

  • Published: May 23, 2005
  • Category: General
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Microsoft just released SBS2003 SP1. This brings all 2003 Windows Servers to the same update level. These updates are an important appointment to Windows administrators and SBS SP1 promises to keep up with the tradition.

Microsoft just released SBS2003 SP1. This brings all 2003 Windows Servers to the same update level. These updates are an important appointment to Windows administrators and SBS SP1 promises to keep up with the tradition.

If you consider an SP update to be big, then have a look at the requirements list! The links to these updates are all available from the SBS SP1 download page. As usual the installation will also automatically detect missing requirements.

Additional Requirements:

  • Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1
  • Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 Service Pack 1
  • Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 1
  • Windows XP SP2 for Client Deployment

To begin with you need to install the Windows Server 2003 SP1!! Yes this is the one you were told not to install a few weeks ago. SBS2003 SP1 solves the issues that caused this update to be a no go for SBS.

With such a requirement list you really have to plan carefully. Just adding up the file sizes of the four required updates plus SBS SP1 itself you have a whopping 906Mb. SBS users are sometimes known not to test updates that carefully. For this time I really think you should try your best on getting hold of a test machine and give it a test run. This is even more important considering that this SP cannot be uninstalled.

As always it's important to have a close look at the release notes of these updates. The SBS release notes have these points worthy of note to Exchange Administrators. Quoting from the release notes:

  • Do not run the Windows Server 2003 Security Configuration Wizard on Windows Small Business Server 2003
  • It is not necessary to install Windows Server Update KB891016 to ensure successful recovery of Exchange data
  • E-mail to external recipients with the same domain name might generate NDR messages when using the POP3 Connector.

Make sure to check the complete release notes as there are more issues not directly related to Exchange. Here our focus is Exchange so that's why we only highlight these points.

I discussed the problems that can be caused by the Security Configuration Wizard SCW in the article Windows 2003 SP1 and SCW trouble (see references). In case of SBS Microsoft is clearly saying DON'T RUN IT. I personally find the SCW issue to be a bit concerning. Despite what MS is saying once you finish the entire SP1 deployment you still end up with the SCW deployed on the machine ready to be installed. So you have to try to remember this warning. Here is the SCW under the Add/Remove Windows Components:

SCW Add/Remove Windows Component

The other interesting issue is the one for the POP3 connector. Despite its many problems this component is very popular with small organizations. SP1 automatically configures Exchange to reject emails to accounts not existing within Active Directory. Read the release notes to see if this problem applies to you. If it does, follow the included instructions to resolve the issue. This involves creating email addresses within Active Directory for which the problem would arise. This is done through an Exchange Recipient Policy. Follow the links at the References section for complete details.


Windows Small Business Server 2003 SP1

Release Notes: Service Pack 1 for Windows Small Business Server 2003

E-mail to external recipients with the same e-mail domain causes NDR messages when using the POP3 Connector

Windows 2003 SP1 and SCW trouble

Windows 2003 SP1 Exchange Issue List

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