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SafeSenders, BlockedSenders and the Mystery of Misclassified Emails
- Alexander Zammit Sep 26, 2016
Outlook SafeSenders, BlockedSenders lists often catch administrators unprepared. Users have the power to directly configure how spam is filtered at the server. Luckily Exchange provides for managing these settings from the shell. Read more...
Creating an Outlook Profile in Exchange 2013
- Alexander Zammit Sep 15, 2015
Creating an Outlook Profile used to be a fairly trivial matter. However things got complicated with Exchange 2013. Today I document how I create Outlook profiles and overcome the error: Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action. Read more...
Exchange 2013 CU5 fixes SP1 Transport Agent Problems
- Alexander Zammit Jun 05, 2014
The Transport Agent problems caused by Exchange 2013 SP1 are now fixed in Cumulative Update 5. Read more...
Getting 3rd Party Applications to work with Exchange 2013 SP1
- Alexander Zammit Mar 12, 2014
The highly anticipated Exchange 2013 SP1 release has unfortunately caused many 3rd party Exchange add-ons to stop working. In some cases the same problem is also blocking the Exchange Transport service from starting! Luckily the solution is just one FixIt wizard away. Read more...
Premium OWA with Windows 8.1 Internet Explorer 11
- Kenneth Spiteri Oct 17, 2013
Exchange is having problems with the new Internet Explorer 11 included in Windows 8.1. IE11 is being served with the OWA Light interface, instead of the full blown OWA Premium. I tested various Exchange versions to check this problem and these were my findings. Read more...
This is Exchange 2013, ISVs Not Welcome!
- Alexander Zammit Aug 06, 2013
How about breaking your application every three months or so? Even better dear ISV, it’s only your application that will break not mine! If you like the idea please develop an Exchange 2013 Transport Agent! Read more...
Video - Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Part 6 - Content Filter (cont.)
- Alexander Zammit Jul 25, 2013
Today we continue configuring the Content Filter. We override the Global SCL Thresholds with per mailbox thresholds, configure a list of phrases that identify legitimate and spam emails, add a list of recipient exceptions and customize the SMTP rejection response. Read more...
Video - Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Part 5 - Content Filter
- Alexander Zammit Jun 19, 2013
The Content Filter blocks emails containing content typically found in spam emails. Here we learn about the Spam Confidence Level rating system and the configuration of filtering thresholds. Read more...
Video - Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Part 4 - Sender ID Filter
- Alexander Zammit May 20, 2013
Sender ID filtering works in tandem with SPF records to catch sender address spoofing. We continue our video series with a look at how this filter works and configure the most important options from the management shell. Read more...
Video - Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Part 3 - Recipient Filter
- Alexander Zammit Apr 23, 2013
Our video series continues with Recipient Filtering. On our agenda we have the setup of a recipient block list, blocking recipients not present at the Address Book, Tarpitting and testing the filter using telnet. Read more...
Video - Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Part 2 - Sender Filter
- Alexander Zammit Apr 09, 2013
Today we continue our Exchange 2013 anti-spam video series with Sender Filtering. Our agenda includes, setup of sender block lists, blocking of emails having an empty sender and testing the filter using telnet. Read more...
Video - Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Part 1 - Installation
- Alexander Zammit Mar 26, 2013
In this video series we go through the spam filtering functionality available in Exchange 2013 RTM. In this part we install the anti-spam agents, configure the list of internal SMTP Servers and learn to work with list parameters. Read more...
Exchange 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 Junk Email Folder
- Alexander Zammit Feb 06, 2013
Starting from the Exchange 2003 Intelligent Message Filter, an annoying problem with managing the Junk Folder enablement switch surfaced. The Exchange 2007 Content Filter inherited the same problem. Finally after many years, Exchange 2010 gave this story a happy ending! Read more...
Recalling Emails from Outlook 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003
- Alexander Zammit Feb 04, 2013
We all do mistakes, and when we do a bad one it is good to be able to make things right. Today we talk of email blunders, those that make us want to take the message back. Just for this purpose Outlook provides the Recall Message feature. Read more...
Exchange 2013 Malware Protection - Part 2
- Alexander Zammit Jan 22, 2013
The Exchange 2013 Management Shell provides a number of scripts and cmdlets for administering Malware Protection. When it comes to managing filter updates or enabling/disabling the filter the shell is our only administrative interface. Read more...
Exchange 2013 Malware Protection - Part 1
- Alexander Zammit Dec 18, 2012
Since Exchange 2003 we grew to expect basic email hygiene to be include out-of-the-box in every new Exchange release. Today we look at the way Exchange 2013 is evolving in this area starting from the new malware protection. Read more...
Exchange 2013 Administration Center in Pictures (Part 3)
- Alexander Zammit Oct 16, 2012
Today we conclude our Exchange 2013 Administration Center tour. Here we cover the categories Public Folders, Unified Messaging, Servers, and Hybrid. Highlighted changes include the relocation of Public Folders to the Mailbox Database store. Read more...
Exchange 2013 Administration Center in Pictures (Part 2)
- Alexander Zammit Sep 27, 2012
Today we continue our Exchange 2013 Administration Center tour. Here we cover the categories Organization, Protection, Mail Flow, and Mobile. Some of the new features included under these categories are the Apps and Anti-malware filtering. Read more...
Exchange 2013 Administration Center in Pictures (Part 1)
- Alexander Zammit Sep 13, 2012
Exchange 2013 has a brand new administrative interface, the Exchange Administrative Center EAC. This replaces the Exchange Management Console with a web-based interface. Exchange can now be administered using the browser from any machine without having to install anything extra. Read more...
Exchange 2013 Preview Installation
- Kenneth Spiteri Aug 14, 2012
Microsoft kicked off the Exchange 2013 buzz with the mid-July release of Exchange 2013 Preview build. Today we take a look at the installation process, requirements and some of the design changes the new release introduces. Read more...
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